
About Us


About us

A Rising Eagle Productions LLC is a startup production house established in 2021 with a vision to empower society and fight depression and suicide.

Rising Eagle represents the nature of eagle to soar over the storm higher than any other bird. Eagle represents fighting spirit, not giving up, also the character of eagle to renew itself is driven in the movies that we make. ‘Rebirth of Eagle’

Majority of movies that are created and will be produced will be based on real life events that can shout out to the masses especially the youth that life never ends here. There is a future and you can overcome!


Meet Founder


Anuradha Das is an established Life Coach and Motivational Speaker with an experience of over 15 years in the field of counseling and empowerment.  Her scripts are inspired from real life events and it inspires the viewers to know their worth and potential to come out of any situation in life. She hails from Orissa in India and settled in Gurgaon, near the Capital Delhi. She has been in the field of social work and philanthorpy for more than 15 years. Anuradha always things of creating dynamic ways to reach the socitey in need. Her focus is to reach out to people with suicidal tendency and depression.

She is a single mother of four beautiful children. She was married to a handsome young man and their life started with love and adventure. But slowly their marriage started breaking apart as he was diagnosed with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. Her compassion and love towards him couldn’t save the marriage. She found strength in God and her faith kept her sane and focused so far and inspired her to step up and reach out for those in need. She has been in the field of social work and philanthropy for more than 15 years. Anuradha always things of creating dynamic ways to reach the society in need. Her focus is to reach out to people with suicidal tendency and depression. Her scripts are inspired from real life events and it inspires the viewers to know their worth and potential to come out of any situation in life.

Anuradha had her own inspiring life story ‘A Rising Eagle’ directed by Award Winning Director Tamia Dow of Triple 8 Spirit Productions, Las Vegas, Nevada USA. Anuradha has stepped into the field of movie production and direction with a sole intention of impacting lives. Her life experiences was the perfect teacher that gave her the desire to reach out to people who are in the verge of suicide and with thoughts of depression and hopelessness.

More than 70 – 80% people are facing emotional and mental issues and are in desperate need for help. To address this impending issue she provides counselling through her organization ‘My Precious Life’ an institution focused on healing the society. She is gifted with identifying root cause of any problem and to provide practical solution to it. She addresses vital topics of life which are generally avoided. She conducts group sessions and workshops along with one-on-one counselling sessions for professionals, entrepreneurs, students and home makers. She caters to the young as well as the old.

Her philanthropic outreaches also include feeding a minimum of atleast 300 people every single day, distribution of blankets, providing help to those in need with the limited resources that she has. She has raised up leaders who has the same heart of helping people in need.

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